Maci started taking swim lessons last Thursday...I was a bit skeptical that she would be swimming after 7 lessons, but Ms. Ashley has a 100% success rate. Maci has made some major accomplishments this week and I wanted to share. It took 2 full lessons to learn to hold her breath and not drink the water. She cried most of the first 2 lessons and kept saying, "is Maci done now?" But she pushed through! By the third day, she only cried at the beginning. Today, Maci is saying, "I like going under." "Maci wants to kick now." She is jumping in by herself, but wouldn't jump off the diving board. That is the goal for tomorrow's lesson. Check back to see if she was successful! She even tries to swim in the bathtub. So our swim lessons have been a success.
So glad that swimming is all smiles and fun now!!
My little fish!!
Maci and her new floating trick!!
Floating on her back!
Maci loves doing "Tigger bounces"
Here she is reaching down to grab the rings under water and blowing bubbles!
Such a BIG GIRL!! Jumping in all by herself!!